Supporting Resources

Balance, not Juggle
Returning to work can be a juggling act, especially with your own personal
responsibilities. Relaunch provides a network of support that goes beyond
capacity building and connections. We have put together curated resources
from trusted organisations that are specifically designed to help you manage
your journey back to work.
Here, you will find essential information on available support, including
caregiving subsidies for returning mothers and eldercare centres. These
resources aim to empower you to find a balance between your personal and
professional responsibilities.
Explore these resources and navigate your return to the tech industry
with confidence. You’re not alone on this journey—let’s relaunch your career
Want to contribute?
If you have relevant resources you'd like to share with other women embarking on their comeback journey, we'd love to hear from you! Get in touch with us through our Connect and Collaborate page and help us build a brighter future for women returning to tech.